As a software developer, time management is crucial to your success. With so many tasks and deadlines, it can be challenging to stay organized and on track. That’s why having a solid time management strategy is key. Not only does it help increase productivity, but it also reduces stress, improves focus, and supports a healthy work-life balance. In this post, we’ll explore three effective time management strategies that can help you optimize your work and achieve your goals. Get ready to take your productivity to the next level!
- Increases productivity: By prioritizing tasks and staying organized, you can work more efficiently and get more done in less time.
- Reduces stress: Having a clear plan for how to manage your time can help alleviate the pressure and anxiety that comes with having too much to do and too little time to do it.
- Improves focus: Good time management strategies help you eliminate distractions and stay focused on what’s important, allowing you to make the most of your workday.
- Achieves goals: With effective time management, you can ensure that you have enough time to complete all the tasks you need to and meet your deadlines, thereby helping you to achieve your goals.
- Promotes work-life balance: By managing your time more effectively, you can carve out time for the things that are important to you outside of work, leading to a healthier and more fulfilling life.
Here are three solid frameworks or strategies that I have found useful over my career.
Weekly and Daily Planning
I wrote about the importance of weekly planning on my Daily Dad Life blog as well, but wanted to reiterate a few points here as they relate to time management.
Robin Sharma, Chapter 61 of The Everyday Hero Manifesto
- The things that get scheduled are the things that get done.
- Vague plans produce vague goals.
- World-class weeks soon morph into the sensational quarters that lead into spectacular years that generate sublime decades.
My weekly planning system to get myself organized follows these five main steps:
- Connection: I always review my big 5 and my vision of my future. This helps me to connect with my vision over and over again and ensure that I am focused on what truly matters to me – a visit to my “personal lighthouse” as Robin Sharma puts it.
- Reflection: I then spend a few minutes writing in my journal, reflecting on my past week. I celebrate my victories, express gratitude for those wins, and make note of areas where I can grow and improve.
- Prioritization: Next, I write down a laundry list of specific actions, behaviors, and habits that have proven to me to provide immense value and positive results. I try to link these to specific goals that I am currently working toward, but even if not tied to a specific goal, these are actions I will do this week to ensure I live it to the fullest.
- Templatization: Now I get down to the details. I will map out a template for each day, blocking out time for all that I have made sacred first — my morning victory hour, family, nature, etc. Then I add in my commitments — work, callings, other events, etc. Finally, I block out time for those key actions — my laundry list from step 3. In this way, I can be sure that I have time in my schedule for my goals, because that which gets scheduled gets done, right?
- Execution: Last of all is execution. As we learned from the Law of Creation, doing really is the easy part. Creating and holding our vision, feeling the emotions associated with that vision, and speaking only words in support of that is the hard part. Doing will come naturally as we continually feed our subconscious minds the image of our creation.
This has been the number one habit that has helped me manage my time. By making these 5 steps a sacred part of my week, I’m able to keep all my plates spinning and execute each of my projects at the top of my game.
As a software developer, the concept of sprints is likely familiar to you. Sprint planning involves defining a set of tasks to complete over a specific period of time, and focusing exclusively on those tasks until they’re completed.
But what if you could apply the same methodology to your daily work routine? This is where the idea of mini-sprints comes in. By dividing your week into day-long mini-sprints, you can focus your efforts and achieve greater productivity.
To get started with mini-sprints, first, plan out your tasks for each day as you would in a team sprint. I do this during the templatization phase of my weekly planning. Use your task list as a guide and allocate the time in each mini-sprint accordingly. During each mini-sprint, give your full attention to the tasks at hand, avoiding the temptation to work on other items on your list.
It’s important to remember that mini-sprints are not meant to be inflexible. Make sure to leave time for unexpected distractions and support requests from your team. And, when planning your tasks, make use of tools such as Kanban boards or issue trackers to keep you on track.
The secret to making mini-sprints work for you is simple: focus. By dedicating your efforts to the tasks at hand, you’ll be able to complete them more efficiently and effectively. Give mini-sprints a try and see how they can help you boost your productivity.
Take Time to Recover
This may not be a specific strategy, but for me, the key to maintaining peak performance on a daily basis is adhering to this fundamental principle. Recovery time is just as critical, if not more so, than being fixated on completing your tasks.
As creative professionals, the idea of working longer hours to increase productivity doesn’t always hold true. In fact, some of the world’s greatest minds found that the key to success was balancing focused work with intentional rest and recovery.
According to productivity expert Robin Sharma, working five hours a day with intense focus can yield maximum results. Beyond that, the returns start to diminish and can even lead to burnout.
For me, finding time for rest and renewal is essential. I find solace in nature and regularly engage in the practice of “shinrin-yoku” or forest-bathing. Being surrounded by nature, experiencing it with all my senses, and disconnecting from technology has a rejuvenating effect on my mind and body.

So, next time you’re feeling drained and overworked, consider the power of rest and recovery. By taking the time to recharge, you’ll be able to work more efficiently and effectively in the long run.
Time management is a critical aspect of productivity, especially for software developers. By implementing the strategies outlined in this blog post, you can prioritize your tasks, stay focused, and achieve your goals more efficiently. Whether you make use of one or all of them, these strategies can help you take control of your time and maximize your results. Remember, the key to success is consistency, so choose the strategy (or strategies) that works best for you and stick with it. With a little effort and discipline, you’ll be amazed at how much you can accomplish in a day!